• General

    Music Appreciation Q2

    Music Appreciation will introduce students to the fundamentals of creating, enjoying, and listening to music. Students will learn about the basics of creating music including melody, harmony, and rhythm. Students will also explore instrumental and vocal timbre and will critique musical performances. Students will also be exposed to many musical styles including traditional, folk, jazz, opera, popular, and classical music. Through unique online software, students will be able to compose, arrange, and share their own musical ideas. Students will learn to appreciate the complexity and the art of music.

    Creative Commons License
    Music Appreciation course materials created by the Open High School of Utah are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. This course contains open educational resources produced by other organizations which may use a different open license. Please confirm the license status of these third-party resources before reusing them. See OpenCourseWare for additional information about licensing.

    •  Music Appreciation Q2 Moodle Course File
  • Topic 8

    The Science & Technology of Music

    •  INTRODUCTION to Week 8 Page
    •  WATCH: The Science of Music Page
    •  WATCH: How we Hear URL
    •  WATCH: Music Technology Page
Topic 7Topic 9