4. POST: Voicethread assignment 5-4: What are the Trends? (Due 4/9; accepted for credit until 4/16)

POST: Voicethread assignment 5-4: What are the Trends? (15 pts.)

View these assignment instructions:
  • Preview the Required Criteria below to plan for your assignment.
  • Gather information about a new online financial service or a trend related to financial services. Examples of online financial services include online bill pay, online funds transfers, etc...
  • Find out the purpose and unique features of the service or trend. Learn about any related costs as well as how users will benefit from the service or trend.
  • Prepare a summary of what you discover. Be sure to note the sources of your information.
  • Deliver a two-minute voicethread presentation to share your findings with your classmates.
Required Criteria:

  1. Your presentation is focused on a specific automated financial services trend.
  2. You introduce your service or trend.
  3. The main points include features and functions of a specific automated financial service.
  4. You predict how users of financial services will be affected by the trend.
  5. Your conclusion includes a summary of the main points.
  6. You cite the source(s) of your presentation information

Follow these instructions on adding to a voicethread.