Standards - Week 12
Week 12 - Standards
Standard 1 - Students will assemble and create works of art, manipulate art media, and organize images with the elements and principles of art.
Objective 1 Refine techniques and processes in a variety of media.
- Experience and control a variety of media, including current arts-related technologies.
- Select and analyze the expressive potential of art media, techniques, and processes.
- Practice safe and responsible use of art media, equipment, and studio space.
Objective 2 - Create works of art using art elements and principles.
- Create expressive works of art using art elements, including form, texture, value, and depth.
- Create expressive works of art using principles to organize the art elements, including unity and emphasis.
Standard 2 - Students will find meaning by analyzing, criticizing, and evaluating works of art.
Objective 1 Critique works of art.
- Analyze artworks regarding use of art elements and principles. Examine the functions of art.
Objective 2 Evaluate works of art.
- Analyze and compare works of art using a variety of aesthetic approaches.
- Evaluate works of art based on forming techniques, effective use of art elements and principles, fulfillment of functions, impact of content, expressive qualities, and aesthetic significance.
Standard 3 - Students will create meaning in art.
Objective 1 - Create content in works of art.
- Create works of art that effectively communicate subject matter, metaphor, themes, symbols, or individually conceived content.
Standard 4 - Students will find meaning in works of art through settings and other modes of learning.
Objective 1 - Evaluate own relationship with artworks from various periods in history.
Last modified: Monday, 16 July 2012, 10:09 PM