There is a difference in script structure, and these differences have been broken into two categories, masculine and feminine.

The masculine script is linear in nature. Many action films or tragedies follow the masculine script structure. There is a progression from beginning to climax to resolution. The resolution establishes a new balance which can be the same, better, or worse than how it was in the beginning.

Picture a chain, where each event connects and builds upon the other, often ending in a climatic showdown. Plot is important and time logic is often followed. This is a masculine plot.


A feminine script is circular in nature. Many romantic comedies follow a feminine script progression. More concerned with exploration of theme, then progression of script. Can be a debate of social structure, answer and response, exploration of emotion or a celebration of life's joy and human behavior. Picture a spiral, each section of a play is completed when the spiral is closed, there is not a climatic showdown and time logic is unimportant. The closing scene is often not a specific resolution, but a bringing together of threads. Theme and idea are more important than strict adherence to plot. This is a feminine script.

Can you think of examples of masculine and feminine scripts?

Ball, D. (1983). Backwards and Forwards: A Technical Manual for Reading Plays, Southern Illinois University.

Last modified: Thursday, 14 June 2012, 4:20 PM